Benefits of Abacus
Abacus is a simple tool or a hardware used for performing rapid arithmetic calculations. Calculation based on abacus was invented in the ancient times and now widely used as a brain development programme. It consists of a rectangular frame holding a number of vertically arranged rods, on which beads slide up and down.
One of the most popular calculating methods from ancient times.
Children do fast calculations in mind by visualizing Abacus bead movements.
Researches prove that Abacus learners use both sides of the brain- left hemisphere & right hemisphere.
Highly effective in improving the concentration level of children.
What is Mental Arithmetic ?
‘Mental Arithmetic’ is a term used in Abacus for the calculations done in mind.
Even large numbers can be calculated in mind, that too within seconds
‘Mental arithmetic’ improves student’s imagination skills
Effective in cracking competitive time based tests.
Mind calculation enhances the concentration level of child.
Parts of Abacus
The boundary on all 4 sides of the abacus is called the Frame.
The abacus which we are using has 17 rods. Each rod has 5 beads.
The abacus is divided into the upper and the lower part by a horizontal bar called the Beam.
The beads in the lower part are the Lower Beads or the Earth Beads.
The beads in the upper part are the Upper Beads or the Heaven Beads.
What are the advantages of Abacus?
Mental arithmetic Calculations
Improves Concentration skills
Improves imagination skills
Sharpen memory power
Boost confidence
Personality Development